First of all, some disclosure: Ocean Connectors is run by a well-educated, highly motivated friend of mine, Frances Kinney. We went to grad school together, so I know a thing or two about her and a thing or two about the org that might not be readily available on the website. Ocean Connectors is a charity that a) helps kids in San Diego and in towns/cities around the Gulf of California, Mexico develop a connection to the ocean/coast that they might otherwise never make and b) fosters connections between students in the U.S. and in Mexico (and maybe someday in Canada), which achieves the combined goals of learning about environments further from home and getting some cross-border exchange of ideas, friendships, etc. Anybody who has lived near the border (or for that matter far from the border but near immigrants) knows just how important it is to understand someone else's living situation/environment. It's a valuable lesson. Ocean Connectors is a great organization that I am happy to support.
And like I said, Ocean Connectors can help me stretch my dollar. TODAY ONLY (May 6), Ocean Connectors is in a charity drive that allows them to get a little bonus funding, based on the number of donations that they receive of at least $25. That is a convenient amount for me, as I want to give $50. This week, I'll make two donations of $25 each and help them grow the total number of donations that they receive. If you are interested in supporting this great, small (one woman show) charity, then today is the day to do it. Find the link to their page for the special donation drive here, and help them help kids know the ocean, know their international neighbors, and connect to their natural world!
Happy Tuesday, everyone! -grant